Teaching and Learning Resources

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is honest and responsible scholarship and is considered the foundation of university success.  All universities and academic institutions have academic integrity policies for teaching, learning and research. McMaster’s academic Integrity website has information for students and faculty. The faculty link presents academic integrity stats and provides useful resources for promoting academic integrity, preventing academic dishonesty, handling academic dishonesty as well as suggestions for Teaching Assistants.


Related Resources

  • The University of Alberta Libraries has launched "A Faculty Guide to Cyber-Plagiarism" to help faculty prevent, detect, and report plagiarism. "'Cyber-plagiarism" is the term used to describe the process by which students either copy ideas found on the Web without giving proper attribution, or the process by which students download research papers from the Web, in whole or in part, and submit the paper as original work. The phenomenon of cyber-plagiarism is affecting Universities around the globe." The guide includes links to free and for-fee plagiarism detection services.
  • A Letter to My Students by Bill Taylor from Oakton Community College. Shared responsibility of teachers and students.
  • An Honor Code Among Faculty Members. Strategies for promoting academic integrity from the University of Alberta.  ASJA Law and Policy Report, November 10, 2005, No. 199.
  • Resources for faculty and students with practical strategies to encourage academic integrity including clarifying appropriate collaboration and designing assignments and courses that foster integrity. From York University.
  • The Council of Ontario Universities (COU) website is a central resource for information about academic integrity.
  • The International Center for Academic Integrity and Rutland Institute for Ethics (ICAI) is a consortium of approximately three hundred institutions who share collective experience and expertise around academic integrity. The Center also hosts an annual conference on academic integrity.