Teaching and Learning Resources

Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)

Quality assurance of university academic programs has been adopted around the world and is widely
recognized as a vital component of every viable educational system. Considerable international
experimentation in the development of quality assurance processes, along with increasing pressure for
greater public accountability, has raised the bar for articulating Degree Level Expectations and learning
outcomes in postsecondary education.  Ontario universities have shown significant leadership and a firm commitment to cultivating a culture of quality in education in developing the Quality Assurance Framework (PDF format) for postsecondary education.

The quality assurance body is called the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance (the
Quality Council). The Quality Council was established by the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents OCAV in 2010 and its work is supported by an Appraisal Committee and Audit Committee. (Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance, 2010).

Related Resources

Quality assurance | AUCC - Association of Universities and Colleges have declared their commitment to the Quality Council’s principles of institutional quality assurance in Canadian higher education.

Council of Ontario Universities' education quality assurance report from Canadian University press (November, 2011).